
Wednesday 8 November 2017

Hub 8's Film Festival Entry

Dear Parents!

Hub 8 is proud to present "Some Days and Other Days" at the Manaiakalani Film Festival. This is a short film created by year 5 & 6 members of Hub Marama. This movie is about how some days seem to go well and not so well on other days.

Monday 25 September 2017

The worst day ever! - Ana L

   Worst Day Ever!
By Ana L.
I was shaking, I started to freak out like crazy! I froze like a statue as I glared at the course I didn't want to do it anymore.

I told my friends that, and they thought the same. We sat down and I was still shaking and I had major butterflies! I wanted to give up already even though I haven't even started the race.

After the year four boys had gone and finished their race I was scared and I was shaking like there was an earthquake. As we walked over to the starting line I was so petrified I wanted to leave and go home.

Mrs Colby was walking over with a megaphone and said, "Okay ladies, on your marks, get set, GO!". I was off to a good start and I had set a good pace but then the second lap came and I was starting to slow down when I passed people I wanted to stop but I didn't want to disappoint my mum.

I was in the last hundred meters I was so tired I wanted to stop so badly but I heard my mum and other kids cheering for me and so I didn't stop.

I reached the end I was the happiest kid in the world. I walked over to my mum and hugged her like I hadn't seen her in a month. As I was hugging my mum she said " as long as you tried your best it doesn't matter what place you come".  So I took that advice and told my friends and they liked her advice.

When we were walking back from the fields I was so happy that it was all over and done for.

Monday 14 August 2017

The day I broke my arm story Olivia.R

The Day I Broke my Arm


It was a sunday evening a long long time ago, and I was jumping on my mum and dad's bed, when I got too close to the edge. Suddenly I felt myself flying through the air, bang, I banged my arm into the wall and slid to the floor. Then I started to cry my arm was aching real bad. I tried to move my arm but I couldn't.

Then my dad came in. after he saw my arm he went on his phone. I didn't know why, but after a while I did. While I was lying there, I could hear sirens, my dad had called the ambulance. A few seconds later I was lifted gently onto a stretcher. After that I was carried into the ambulance, and put on a chair.

When we started to move the ambulance people gave me a thing they called unicorn farts. They told me to breath in and out from the unicorn farts tube. After a while I could move my arm, but not my elbow.

When we arrived at the hospital my dad noticed that I was trembling. "Hey, calm down it's not that scary." my dad said. When we got out of the ambulance we followed some other people into the Humongous hospital.

When we got into the hospital there were people everywhere. We were showed to a room, where they told me to lie down. The hospital people told us their names which was, Hannah and Georgia. They told us that they would be helping us out through the night.

When they left I was alone with my mum and dad. My mum and dad decided that my mum was going to stay with me over night. After a while my dad left and it was just me and my mum. My mum lay a mattress down beside the bed I was in.

In the morning I noticed that I could move my arm. I sat up. My arm was in a sling, and they had done a operation. The reason why I could tell, was because there was a little bump on my elbow, and my mum told me that they had done a operation over night.

A few seconds later Hannah walked in and handed me a whole bowl full of custard, and a cup of jelly, served on a black tray.

After I had had breakfast, I was told to go into a special room. When I went in, they showed me a load of casts. yikes, there were lots of very sharp knives in their is well as casts. Then I started to tremble. My mum noticed, she asked me to just pick a colour, finally I picked purple.

When they had put the cast on me they told my mom that we could come home.

Finally we got home, I had to go to kindergarten. So I got dressed into different clothes and I went to kindergarten.

A month later I went back to the hospital. As soon as we got in, me my mum and my dad went into the same room we went into to get the cast on. But this time we were in their to get the cast off. I started to cry I was terrified, I wouldn't move, finally I moved over to the nurse, he got my cast and started to cut through slowly. When he had finished, we got to go home. I was still crying of fright.

Thursday 16 February 2017


Cybersmart Session for Parents

Thanks to all those families who came along to the parent Cybersmart session this evening. Below are the slides for your reference. 

Wednesday 15 February 2017

Meet the Teacher 2017

Welcome to Marama Hub (Hub 8). It was lovely to meet you all. Please feel free to look through the slides. We look forward to an awesome year of learning. 

Just Dance

Just Dance!!

Need a brain break during the wet weather?  Just dance!!  It was great to see all the learners having so much fun.

Tug of War

Tug of War

WALHT: Collaborate and work together. Go Hub Marama!!